15 June 2006

The Mission, Should You Choose to Accept It....

This blog will be dedicated to all matters associated with our Charters of Freedom and the U.S. Code.

As the administration roughly half of us hired and the lawmakers who represent us continue to pretzel-twist the legacy of our founders and all those who followed and added Constitutional Amendments, I could not stand by any longer. I have some strategic ideas to share that Americans may find useful in tightening the leash on our hired employees, which will be forthcoming.

(The latest indignity is the attempt to turn the administration end runs around FISA - which are ILLEGAL - retroactively legal. No, Congress is not investigating why the FISA court wasn't used to begin with, or why it was necessary to collect phone records for John and Jane Smith from Anytown, USA. They are trying to undo the amazing work done by the Church Committee, which provided very lenient guidelines for warrants in cases of imminent danger to National Security. But no, like so many other laws, it's just too much trouble for the Boy King to bother.)

In the meantime, remember this: Every bobble-head inside the Washington Beltway works for US. This country is a Constitutional Democratic Republic, and the PEOPLE are sovereign. We don't have a king for reasons the framers made crystal clear. And we don't need a boy king - no matter how well-intentioned - telling us that he needs to take care of us as if we are children. One person is not qualified to make decisions for all Americans. That's why we have Congress.

Bottom Line: WE ARE THE BOSS. PERIOD. Now we have a job to do. Don't wait for anyone to do it for us. Don't wait for a miracle in November. Democrats and Republicans are both too beholden to special interests and spend too much time shilling for campaign contributions. Republicans are running our economy into the ground, and Democrats have decided to become wallpaper. The list goes on, but in the spirit of the blog, I'll keep the focus on how we hold our government accountable to us according to our founding charters. I am an Independent. I vote for candidates, not for parties, and I will not belong to a party. (I have voted for candidates of all parties in my voting history.)

Your blogmistress, Elizabeth, is a progressive independent from the Heartland. In case the MSM had you brainwashed into thinking that progressivism is some kind of monstrous belief system just this side of communism, let me set the record straight. Progressives believe in PROGRESS. We have equal parts Conservativism (conserving the economy and the environment), Libertarianism (Big Brother, get your taps off my phone), and Populism (which simply means that THE PEOPLE are in charge, not wealthy elites).

Over time you will hear about my personal beliefs, some you may share, some you may not. But the important thing is we are all AMERICANS. If you were to assign me a color, it would be some shade of purple, a color I feel sure I share with most other Americans. Our shades may vary, but our core beliefs are probably pretty similar. And we are all responsible for seeing that our country is governed responsibly. Right now, it's a horrible mess.

So we have a mission. We need to start by re-acquainting ourselves with our founding documents. Please see the links. The reading is very easy, do not be intimidated. (Be sure to link to transcripts, that makes the reading easier.)

Among the issues I will raise in future posts include the importance of various concepts addressed by the framers. First up: The Current Constitutional Crisis and thoughts on what we can do about it, based on the guidelines our framers provided.


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