23 June 2006

Bank Data Secretly Reviewed by U.S.
(New York Times, 6/22/06)

An Open Letter to George W. Bush


You will cease and desist this intrusion into the private lives of my neighbors and myself. IT IS NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS. You want to investigate terrorists, fine. Anyone who has ever done investigation knows the importance of following the money. But here's the catch: You MUST go to Congress or to FISA. That is how you get permission to look at our personal data. PERIOD. I know Mr. Cheney got his damn nose all out of joint because the People took back their power - rightfully and Constitutionally - from the equally power-hungry Richard Nixon, but Mr. Cheney is only one of BILLIONS of sovereigns, and believe me, you have put the noses of BILLIONS OF US out of joint with your Nixonian power-grabs. You will soon find that our pique outweighs Mr. Cheney's by TONS. You people do not get to just vacuum up data for your convenience. (You say it isn't a "fishing expedition" but I know the old bureaucrat's trick, I used to work for the government. Only I did it LEGALLY.)

You are not God, you are not King, you are not a dictator (in spite of your ambitions otherwise), and you most certainly are not the Daddy of the American People. YOU WORK FOR US, and you must abide by OUR laws. We are the Sovereigns, we are the bosses, and Congress makes our laws FOR US because we HIRE IT TO REPRESENT US. We do not need you to "protect" us, we do this for ourselves through Congress.

If you actually read the Constitution, you'd see that Congress is listed first for a reason, and that its job description is much more complex than YOURS for a reason. You have a job description that takes exactly two sections of one article, and when we hire you to do that job, we do not hire you to go out-of-scope. This is why so many of us are so furious at your powergrabbing. YOU ARE NOT PERMITTED TO HAVE THE KIND OF POWER YOU SEEK - The Framers were CRYSTAL CLEAR about this, and the Federalist Papers explain it. But, in a nutshell, IMPEACHMENT is described IN DETAIL FIVE TIMES in the first three articles of the Constitution because the framers wanted an limited executive presence. They had had enough of Kings, especially King George.

I'm sure it's easy to forget that you actually have a real job to do where you answer to US, your real bosses. (And it's too bad that half of the American People could not get it through their heads that you have never actually worked a real job, let alone done a good one, EVER. Instead, they persisted in thinking that they had to hire you just because you seemed like a good guy to go out for beers after work. I think they're over it now.)

After all, with all your wealthy campaign contributors asking you for favors and patting you on the back, it's easy (too easy) to think these contributors are your bosses. Which would account for you working with Congress to put the economy in the toilet so your "base" (your word) gets richer the rest of us are LUCKY to live paycheck to paycheck (a concept you could never grasp, you entitled so-and-so). Our country is almost $10 TRILLION in debt, and over half of that is to CHINA. You don't think this is a NATIONAL SECURITY ISSUE, you dolt???

You think you're PROTECTING US??? Humans are incredibly self-deluding creatures, and you are about as delusional as they get. Your contributors on the other hand know exactly what they are doing - stealing our country - which is why we need to kick them the hell out of Washington.

And by the way, did you know that your little war in Iraq increased terrorism by 95 percent? That's right ... the numbers are in and it's 95 percent. So the need to even track terrorists has been increased by a factor of almost 100 thanks to your administration's Through the Looking Glass attitude about the American People and the world. Following the money is a good way to track criminal activity, but thanks to your administration's Cold War mentality and stupidity, you're following a lot more money then you ever had to.

Control freaks focus on everyone but themselves, sticking their noses in the business of others without attending to their own. They're called CODEPENDENT. I know this because I grew up in a house that was full of it. Just like the White House. I vowed I would never put up with that kind of dysfunction again. That's why I continue to support impeachment of your entire administration.

The American People have the good quality of trying to see the best in others, and but the flip side is we're easily exploited. And you and your administration did indeed exploit the good will of too many People for your own greed and powermongering. The American People are onto you now (especially now that they know just how many convicted and indicted felons are working for you), and they're feeling betrayed. You will see in November and the months that follow how angry the People get when they discover they have been exploited and betrayed. You'll be hoist on your own petard but good, and for the over-half of us who already knew 2000 what kind of evil you could bring to the White House (and having all our fears realized since), we CAN'T WAIT. We just pray that this amazing document, the Constitution, which has served us so well for over 200 years, will be used again to stop you people peacefully, without a Revolution.

If it happened with Nixon, we do pray that it will happen with you too.


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